The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

of of of 0 Vital Statistics BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Tuesday, August George Diestel, Photographer And Artist, Succumbs of artist's George brush C. and Diestel, 53. whose? 1951. camera lens him fame and friends the country over, died at 12:30 o'clock this morning (Aug. 21, 1951) in his home at 26 Richlawn Ave.

He had been in poor health since undergoing a brain operation last January. Mr. Diestel was widely known in newspaper, publicity, theatrical and photography circles. During the past three decades he had been employed as artiste or photographer by nearly Buffalo newspaper. He began his career on the art staff of the Buffalo Times.

taking up of an ediformer, torial cartoonist at the age of 16. Editor Publisher magazine recognized this accomplishment by hailing him at that time as the youngest such cartoonist in the nation. Operated Press Studios Mr. Diestel. for more than 20 years.

operated the Press Studios, specializing in photographic coverage of Western New York events for the Associated Press, the Inter. national News Service, Central News. and Newspaper Enterprise Association. His studios first located in the Main St. Seneca St.

section. then on East Genesee St. He moved them a short time before his illness to 517 Washington St. For five years Mr. Diestel sketched two cartoon panels the World of Food and This Business World- -which were distributed by World Cartoon Syndicate to 450 newspapers in the U.

S. He also was widely known in Western New York for his illustration of the life of Father Baker (the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nelson H.

Baker), continuous biographical story strip a which appeared for four vears in the Victorian, publication of Father Bakers Homes of Charity. Worked for Theaters Mr. Diesel's artistry was not confined to the drawing board. He won a widespread reputation with a camera lens and for a score of of years he did publicity-still work and for Shea Theaters. the Lafayette Theater and the Erie County Reat publican Committee.

Over the years he photographed most of the movie His 21. lens knew Rudy Vallee, Bing Crosof by, Joan Crawford, Jack Benny, Ben Turpin, Mabel Normand and host of others. The "loveiiest and most gracious" Hollywood person he ever photographed, he said, was Mary Brian. In addition to his own art work and photography, Mr. Diestel was Ed- employed from 1936 to 1942 as the chief artist of H.

Wm. Pollack PosJo- ter Print. L. He then went to Bell Aircraft 5541 Corporation where he created "Plane Pete," a cartoon character who gave maintenance tips to aircraft mechanics in a witty and engaging manner. The incentive cartoons appeared in the corporation's service manuals which were distributed throughout the world the wherever Bell aircraft were used.

Life Saved by "Pete" One of Mr. Diestel's proudest possessions was a letter from a pilot who maintained that "Plane Pete" had saved his life. His plane was in a bad spin, the pilot wrote, when the little cartoon of character suddenly flashed into his mind with its instruction on coming out of spins. The pilot did 19. as "Plane Pete" suggested and the Fuplane leveled out.

Mr. Diestel also found time in his crowded schedule paint and did portraits of nearly all of Bell's test pilots. He was a member of the Buffalo Society of Artists for 25 years and a former member of Levant Lodge 967. A M. Mr.

Diestel is survived by his wife, the former M. Mae Shipman; a daughter, Mrs. Richard H. Roberts: a son. George C.

Diestel and five grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in Dengler's Funeral Home, 343 Leroy Ave. Burial will be in Acacia Park Cemetery, Town of Pendleton. Dr. Broughton Conducts Services for Mrs.

Hill, 98 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Newman Hill, 98, of 42 Welmont SERAFIN. of 1913 Clinton Aug. 20, 1951, beloved husband of Apolonia (nee Braciak); devoted father of Anna, Sophie. Pearl, Agnes.

Rose, Francis, Joseph and Ludwig; father-inJaw of Edward Krawezyk. Richard Kramer, Henry Chwojdak. Richard ezak. Hazel and Mary. Funeral Thursday Tommorning from Orlowski Suchocki Funeral Home.

173 Stanislaus. corner bieski at 9:15 A. M. and at St. Casimir's Church at 10 A.

M. Burial St. Adalbert's Cemetery. Friends invited, SISTER MARY JEANETTE -(Marie Lebererl of Notre Dame Order died Aug. 20, 1951, sister of the late Mrs.

C. J. Terhaar. Frank, Albert. and Joseph A.

more. Leberer. Funeral Wednesday. Ad. 20121 BaltiTHORNE George P.

Thorne, in Buffalo. N. Aug. 19, 1951. of 1800 Bailey son of the late William and Elizaneth Thorne: brother of Edwin G.

and Mrs. Charlotte Lang. Services from the Ernest Wedekindt Funeral Home, 5 Walden Ave. at Genesee, Wednesday at 1 at o'clock. Albion.

N. Friends invited. Interment Y. Deceased was ber of Saturn Lodge No. 922 1.0.0.F.

and the B. of L. E. No. 421 20121 WENDLING- -Emile Wending, age 72.

Aug. 20. 1951. at Windsor, husof the late Elizia Woodward Wendling: stepfather of Mrs. Maria M.

of Buffalo. N. Miss Edwidge Preiss of Paris France, and the late George Dietsch Services from Morris Walkerville Chapel. 1624 Wyandotte East. Windsor.

Thursday, Aug. 23. at 9 A M. and at St. Anne's Church.

Interment in St. Alphonse's Cemetery. 20121 WILLIAMS- -Rose Conion Williams of 91 Keswick Eggertsville, N. Aug. 19, 1951.

widow of Samuel beloved mother of Mrs. T. Joseph Dane: grandmother bf Susanna Rose Dane: sister J. Reilly and John X. Conion of Newark.

of Mrs. Mary C. Murphy, Mrs. Edward Funeral from the John Murphy Funeral Home, Sanford Newark. Wednesday morning, 20121 WRIGHT- M.

(nee Hunt), of Akron. N. Aug. 20. 1951, wife of the Leslie E.

Wright: mother of Mrs. Elea-1 nor Greatbatch of Clarence, N. Mrs. Katherine McKenzie of Buffalo, Leslie and Dee of Akron. N.

sister of Witmer. John, Alice and Ruth Hunt. Mrs. Eva Mrs. Breece, Mrs.

Florence Ludwig. Sarah Warren, all of Flint, and the late Grace Russell; also survived call by five the grandchildren. Friends may Home, 32 at John Adrian E. Ross, Funeral Akron, funeral services will be held at 1:30 P. M.

wednesday. Aug. 22d. with the Rev. Allen G.

Skiff officiating. ZIMMERMANN -John Zimmermann. Aug. 20. 1951.

of 338 Fougeron husband of the late Philomenia Kreutzer Zimmermann: father of John A. and Theophile Zimmermann. Funeral from the George A. Schimmel Funeral Home. Fougeron at Genesee Thursday thew's morning at Church 9:30 o'clock and at St.

Matat 10. Friends invited. 21122 Flowers Truly Express Your Sympathy ELLICOTT SQUARE Flower Shop 301 MAIN ST. MA. 3230 21, 1951 In Memoriam CARMODY -In loving memory of our dear husband and father, John, who passed away three years ago today.

Aug. 21, 1948. Sweet are the memories silently kept Of one we shall never forget. BETTY CARMODY FAMILY. HELBIG- -In loving memory of our dear wife and sister, Anna, who passed away Aug.

21. 1941. Loving wife and sister, gentle and kind. What beautiful memories you left behind. The echo of your voice, your eyes, your smile.

Just as they were, are with us all the while. Sadly missed by HUSBAND, SISTERS BROTHERS. MESS -In loving memory of our dear busband and father. Charles, who passed awav 2 vears ago today. Aur.

21. 1949 Honorable and upright in all his ways. Loyal and true till the end of his dars A loving husband and father. tender and kind. What beautiful memories VOU left behind Sadly missed by WIFE GERTRUDE FAMILY.

LAZZARO- -In loving memory of our father. Philip, who died two years ago today. Deep in our hearts there is a picture Of our dear father cone to rest; In our memory we will always keep him Ar the one we loved the best. Sadly missed by THE FAMILY. $BRIGLIA-In loving memory of our dear brother, Philip, who passed away one year ago today.

His faint last wish we should like to have heard And breathed in his ear one last parting word. Only those who have lost. are able to tell The pain of the heart in not saying farewell. Sadly missed by BROTHERS. SELVAGGIO- In loving memory of our dear father.

Charles who passed away four years ago todas. Aug. 21. 1947. His thoughts were all 50 full of us.

He never could forget, And 50 we think that where he is. He must be watching yet. Missed by CHILDREN GRANDCHILDREN. SLOMKA-In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister. Genevieve who passed away one year ago.

Aug. 20. 1950. No one knows a silent heartache. Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that's borne in silence.

For the one we loved so well. What would we give to clasp her hand. Her happy face to see. To hear her voice and see her smile That meant so much to us. Sadly missed by MOTHER.

DAD, SISTER BROTHER. TRAMONTANA -In loving memory of our son and brother. Sammy, who passed away six years ago today, Aug. 21. 1945.

We miss you very much each day, Our love and remembrance will go on always. MOTHER. DAD. BROTHERS SISTER WALTERS loving memory of our father and husband, Carsten who passed away 11 years ago, Aug. 21.

1940. Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can fill your vacant place. Sadly missed by FAMILY. WEIDMAN- In loving memory of Helen W.

who passed away two years ago today. Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Love's remembrance outlasts all; Though the years be many or few. They are still with remembrance, Helen dear, of you. Sadly missed by FRIEND VL.

Deaths Wooderest AUSTIN-Percy James Austin of 234 Kenmore, Aug. 20. 1951, beloved husband of Anna Rock Austin: father of Allen Stephen R. and Charles Wesley Austin: brother of the late Mandley Austin. Friends may call af the Bury Funeral Home.

3070 Delaware corner Kinsey, where funeral services will be held Thursday at 12:30 o'clock. Friends are invited. Mr. Austin was a member of Camp No. 12.

Spanish War Veterans. 21122 BARTON -Hamilton Barton Jr. of 37 May. ville Kenmore. Aug.

21, 1951. beloved husband of Ruth Wood father of James and Joan Barton: Barton: brother of Mrs. Richard F. Martin of Mt. Prospect.

Ill. Friends may call at the Bury Funeral Home. 3070 Delaware corner Kinsey, where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Friends are invited. 21122 BATES -Ormal W.

Bates of 154 Colvin suddenly, in Pt. Loring. Aug. 18, 1951, husband of Viola L. Bates: father of Robert O.

Bates of National City, brother of Mrs. Ralph Robinson and Mrs. W. L. Calkins of Du Bois.

Pa. Services from the H. R. Potts Funeral Home, 1361 Hertel Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends invited.

Mr. Bates was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers No. 382 and Lakeland Lodge No. 952 F. A.

under whose auspices at 8 services o'clock. will be held Tuesday evening 20121 DECKER -Arthur Becker. DDS. suddenly, Aug. 19.

1951. husband of Anne Wertheimer Niemann Becker: father of Mrs. Victor Shelburne: stepfather of Dolores M. Niemann: son of Peter and the late Elizabeth Becker: brother of Mrs. Allen Davis and Mrs.

Edwin Wolcott of Niagara Falls, N. grandfather of Brien Shelburne. Funeral servire from the residence, 66 Burke Drive Wednesday afternoon at 2 Friends are invited. Dr. Becker was member of the American Dental League and a life member of Erie Lodge No.

161. F. A. under whose auspices memorial service will be conducted Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. -John Bongardt.

at Alden. N. Aug. 19, 1951, husband of Katherine Zolz Bongardt: father of Mrs. Edward Hausle and Mrs.

Edwin McCallum: grandfather of Edwin and Robert McCallum: brother of Henry Bonsardt. Funeral from the home of his daughter. Mrs. Edward Hausle, 6642 Broadwas, Alden. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friends invited. 20121 COLLINS -Daniel A. Collins, of 136 Stratford Aug. 20. 1951, son of Minnie and the late James Collins: brother of Jeanette.

Joseph. Mrs. Figini and Celia Collins of New York- City. Serv. Ices from the H.

R. Potts Funeral Home, 1361 Hertel Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock and at the Holy Spirit Church at 9. Friends invited. Mr. Collins was a member of the Edward M.

Daley Post No. 1130 of the American Legion 21:23 COOK- Mary Cook. Aug. 20. 1931.

In Rochester, N. widow of Harry Cook: mother of Harriet Louise Grover. the Arthur late Cook. Anna Farrell: sister of Ramsay and the late Margaret Pillard; grandmother of nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Funeral from Showerman Fu neral Home, 712 West Rochester, N.

Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. DECK- A. Deck of 39 Southerest Cheektowaga, N. Aug. 21.

1951. beloved husband of Frances Heckler Deck: father of Francis. Corp. Albert (U. S.

Army in Korea), Arlene. Richard and Cliff4rd Deck: son of Gustave and the late Mary Kolb Deck: brother of Mrs. Charles Langendorfer. August, Elizabeth. Mrs.

George Schlager, Mrs. Ernst Ganter. Frank. Andrew. Mrs.

George Hoffman and the late William and Ecward Deck. Funeral from the Dietrich Funeral Home, 995 Genesee Friday at 8:15 A. M. and at Our Lady Help of Christians. Chapel at 9 A Friends invited.

Member of Holy Name Society of Our Lady Help of Christians Church. 21:23 DIESTEL- C. Diestel, of 26 Richlawn. Aug. 21.

beloved husband of M. Mae Diestel (nee Shipman); father C. of Mrs. Richard H. Roberts and George Diestel also survived by five ler grandchildren.

Funeral Services from the Deng. Home, 343, Leroy Ave. invited. Friday Mr. afternoon Diestel at 2 o'clock.

Friends the Buffalo Society of Artists. a member 21123 was of ECKERT- -Joseph H. Eckert, Aug. 21, of 76 Tioga beloved husband Teresa B. Eckert (nee Benderitter); father of Mrs.

Albert J. Valencourt: grandfather of Robert McCarthy, old. Shannon and Virginia Valencourt. Funeral from the Nagel Funeral Home, 587 East Delavan Thursday morning at 9:15 o'clock and at the Holy Spirit Church at 10. Flowers gratefully declined.

21122 FOX -Jean Kreienberg Fox of 285 lingion Town of Tonawanda, denly. in Oswego. N. Aug. 20.

1951. beloved wife of John E. Fox mother of John Gregory Fox: daughter of and Mildred Kreienberg. Friends eati at the Bury Funeral Home. Delaware corner Kinsey, where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friends are invited. 21122 GASTON- 18. 1951. Anna White Gaston of 128 Birch wife of ford Gaston: daughter of Martha the late Nathan White: sister of William Carlyle of McDonald, Sarah McCullough. Mrs.

Thomas Kenna of Raymond Schwabl. Mrs. Frank Miller, Charles, Leonard, Thomas and the Joseph White. Friends may cali the John E. Courtney Funeral Home, 1869 Seneca where funeral will held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friends are invited. 20121 GOSS- William J. suddenly, Aug. 1951, husband of Julia: father of David William: son of Mr. and Mrs.

William Goss: brother of Patricia and Sally Goss. Funeral from the Carl Mertz Funera: Home. 1297 Fillmore Ase. Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends invited.

20121 GRADY- -Thomas A. Grady, Aug. 21. 1951, of 55 Roswell Cheektowaga. N.

beloved husband of Emily Hillig Grady; father of Mrs. Fred Alther. Thomas and Mrs. George A. Roblin: brother of J.

M. Grady of Ft. Lauderdale, Mrs. Elizabeth Powers and Mrs. Alice Marshall of North Cherrytown.

N. Funeral from Leo Sauer New Funeral Home, 1933 Kensington Friday 9 A. M. and from St. Alossius Gonzaga Church at 9:30 A.

M. Deceased was member of Local 14. International Union of Elevator Constructors. Friends 21123 -Orazio Guarino, Aug. 20.

1951, husband of the late Maria Leone Guarino: father of S. Jay, Jennie, Charles. Henry. Joseph. Lucy and late Dr.

Louis C. Guarino: brother Louis of Le Roy. N. Mrs. Charles Engino, Mrs.

Leonard Tedesco and late Sirs. Anthony Giambrone. Ross. MS Salvatore Leone and Joseph Guarino. Friends may call at his sidence.

29 Tennyson where teneral will take place Thursday morning at 8 o'clock and at Holy Spirit Cherch at 9 o'clock. Interment in Clivet Cemetery. Friends invited. 20122 HAEFNER--Paul F. Haefner, in Buffalo, N.

Aug. 19. 1951, of 729 Washington husband of Grace Bentley Hefner: father of Frank N. and Paul R. Haefner; brother of Herbert and Elmer Haefner: son of the late Rose and Frank Haefner.

Calls may be made at the Leonard H. Gaetz Funeral Home, 783 Ellicott where funeral services will take place on Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock and from St. Michael's Church at 10 o'clock. Friends invited. 20121 Haniszewski.

Aug. 20. 1951, of 34 Schuster Forks. N. husband of Stella (nee Burzynski): father of Bernard.

Joseph. Paul. Mrs. Stephen. and Mrs Catherine Wagner, Stella Vogt.

Mrs. Blanche Wood, Mrs. Jennie Wasilewski. Mrs. Mary Piasecki; also survived by 32 grandbrother of Kate Koperski Omaha.

children and 23 great-grandchildren: and brother-in-law of John at 9:30 o'clock Funeral Friday morning Burzynski. from the family residence and at Our Lady Help of Chris tian Church at 10. Friends invited. Burial in St. Stanislaus Cemetery.

21:23 HANZLIK- Edward A. Hanzlik 59 Franklin Lackawanna. N. Aug. 13.

1951. accidentally in Oceanside. beloved son of Mrs. John Kozub; brother of Stephen. Funeral Thursday.

Aug. 23, 1951, at 9:30 A. from Matthew Kaczor Funeral 505 Ridge Lackawanna. N. Home, and at 110 o'clock in St.

Barbara's. Church. Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends invited. 20121 HEARY- Jerome G.

Heary, suddenly, Hamburg, N. Y. Aug. 20, 1951, son and the late George Heary; brether of Francis M. Heary.

Funeral from the family residence, 36 Pine St. Hamburg N. Y. Thursday morning 8:0 and from SS. Peter 9.

Paul's Church at Friends Invited. Deceased was a member of K. of C. Council Ne. 55.

Peter Paul's Holy 2220, and Society. the Boston Valley Conservation Name Society 21122 HOLBROOK -Mac Holbrook. of Cattaraugus. Ruth Rich Aug. 20.

1951. husband of N. Y. Holbrock: brother of Mrs. Madge Taft of Cattaraugus, N.

Y. len W. Holbrook New York N. Mrs. Mrs.

Jeannette Tuller of Peekskill. City. Helen H. Setter of Washing. ton.

D. Robert Holbrook taraugus. Y. Funeral of Catservices will be held Thrusday afternoon. Aug.

23. at 2 o'clock from the family residence. The Rev. Henry Masman Park Friends Cemetery, invited. Interment in Liberty officiating.

Cattaraugus, N. Y. 21:22 HOPPE- Edward Hoppe, caster, N. Aug. 19.

suddenly, 1951, in husband Lanof of the Ellsworth late Clara Richter Heppe: father and the late Elmer H. Cheryl Hoppe: grandfather of William. Fay and Toby Sue brother of Mrs. Amelia Bennett Hoppe: Christ Albert Hoppe and the late Fred. and and George Hoppe, Louis Johnson and Mary Marks.

the Seeger Scherer Funeral from Funeral 5486 Broadway, Thursday Home, 2 o'clock and from Town at afternoon theran Line Luinvited. Church at 2:30 o'clock. Friends 20:22 JANSEN Aug. Sycamore 19, 1951. of 504 beloved brother of late Mary Jansen.

Funeral the Funeral from Leo Sager Home. 823 Genesee St. Ann's at 8:45 A. M. and from Wednesday invited.

Church at 9:30 A. M. Friends KASKE Wilma (nee Ritert 19. 1951. of 123 Hubber Aug.

Kaske. Paul sister of Herbert wife of Riter. Funeral and Harold ers Funeral Home, from the Darwin MegJewett 2450 Main St. at Friends Pkwy. Wednesday at 12:30.

invited to attend. 20t21 20. KASTNER -Mary beloved Broepster 1951, wife of the late Kastner, Aug. Restner: mother of Mrs. Clarence John L.

Griffin and John J. Kastner of Lockport. George N. Mrs. Arthur Sandner and Kastner: also survived by 7 grandchildren and 2 dren.

Funeral from Tehan Bros. Funeral Home. 415 Grider. Wednesday morning at 9:15 and at St. Bartholomew's Church at 10 o'clock.

Friends invited. (nee Loos) Kirchner in Buffalo, N. Aug. 21, 1951. wife of the late Henry Kirchner: mother ef Henry Jr.

Franklin and Frederick; also survived by 6 grandchildren Services from The Ernest Wedekindt Funeral Home, 5 Walden at Genesee, Thursday at 2:30. Friends invited. 21122 KOZIEL- Koziel (nee Lukacs), Aug. 19, 1951. of 295 Grote beloved wife of Edmund Koziel: daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Lukacs; sister of Helen. Hetrick. Mrs. Mary Huber.

Mrs. Julia Broman apd Joseph Lukacs; daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Koziet. Funeral from the Frazon Yelenik Funeral Home, 259 Ontario Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 and from Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 1037 Grant at 2 o'clock.

Friends invited. Prayer Service will be held Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock. 20121 LAWICKI-Helen (nee Wojciechowskh, Aug. 21. 1951, resided at 93 Roberts beloved wife of Max: mother of Frank.

Virginia. Mrs. Stella Durlak. Mrs. Mary Jaszkiewicz, Leonard and Mrs.

Dorothy Brigman. Funeral Friday, Aug. 24. at 9:30 from Sittniewski Funeral Home, 154 Weimer St. Services at 10 A.

at St. Casimir's Church. Burial in St. Stanislaus Cemetery 21122 LEIDE Hohl Leide of 234 Grey Aug. 19, 1951, wife of the late Reinhold Leide: mother of Mrs.

Carl Hennig: sister of Mrs. Emma Losson. Mrs. Adolf Dreyer. Mrs.

Nicholas Spiratos and the late Charles Hohl. Funeral from the Schlager Funeral Home. 674 Broadway, Thursday morning at o'clock and at St. Ann's Church at 9:30. Friends are invited.

20122 These Three There are many important features offered by the Ernest Wedekindt Funeral Home. These are of outstanding significance: FIRST: Our management is proficient. SECOND: Our equipment is at all times kept up to date. THIRD: Our staff is always ready to sincerely serve and assist wherever possible. ERNEST WEDEKINDT FUNERAL HOME Howard B.

Wedekindt, lie. mar. 5 WALDEN AVE. HU. 7811 at Genesee PRIVATE PARKING LOT 1951, MacDOWAL -Ann Milroy MacDowall, of Buffalo, N.

Aug. 13, 1951, wife of late Charles H. MacDowall: mother Andrew, William. Mrs. Catherine Jer.

lips of Jamestown, N. and Elizabeth MacDowall: grandmother of June MacDowall and Charles J. Phillips Jamestown. N. Y.

Private funeral ices from the family home. 334 ming Wednesday afternoon at o'clock. Flowers gratefully declined. Dar- -Edward A. Marquart sud- Orchard Park, N.

Aug. 19, husband 04 the late Lillian C. Choate; brether of Mrs. Nellie M. Briggs Fred the late Mrs.

Caroline Pollock. Harriet may L. Marquart. Mrs. Byron E.

Butlin 3070 George H. Marquart. Funeral Floyd E. Brown Funeral Argyle afternoon PL near Lincoln. Wednesday at 2 o'clock.

Friends are sited. Mr. Marquart was a member Zion Lodge No. 514. F.

A.M. 20121 Clif- MAY- James May of 59 St. James and Aug. 21, 1951, beloved husband of Mrs. garet Ward May; father of Muriel Sirs.

and James May brother of Me- John Wright. Mrs. Lynn Kinnear Mrs Tayport. Scotland. and George May Vancouver.

Canada. Friends may late at the Darwin Myers Funeral Home. at 2450 Main St. at Jewett Thursday noon. Services Forest be Lawn Chapel at 2 o'clock.

Friendvited. Mr. nembe Andrews Scottish Society. 21122 McDONNELL Donn 19. in Hamburg.

N. Aug. 20, heloved son of Margaret T. and the James F. McDonnell brother James F.

Jr. William R. and Charles Jr. all of Hamburg. Funeral from the ily residence.

Clark Hamburg. N. Thursday morning at 9:30 and SS. Paul's Church at 10. Friends invited.

Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery, Lackawanna. N. Y. Deceased Was member of K. of C.

Council. 2220. 21122 Martha Hill McFetridge East Aurora. N. Aug.

21, 1951. of the late John mother of Y. Robert Yox and Mrs. Clarence sister of Mrs. Mary Booth of at Wales.

N. Mrs. Rose Matters Larcaster. N. and the late a William Weaver Mrs.

Ellen Farrington. James. Walter. Charles and Hill. Friends may call at Howe Funeral Home.

64 Maple Wednesday from 2-5 and 7-10 Private funeral Thursday. Flowers gratefully declined. 21122 the McNERNEY Etta A. Keefe of Aug. 19.

1951. wife of Leo McNerney: MeNerney, sister of James Keefe of Detroit, Mich. the Funeral from the Driscoll Funeral Home. 1336 Main Wednesday mornins at 8 o'clock. and from St.

Andrew's late Church, Kenmore. N. Y. at 9 o'clock. Friends are irvited 20121 MORRISON Ralph Morrison.

Aug. 1951. of 518 Spring husband Mt. Theresa Levy Morrison: stepfather Robert and Sylvia; brother of Joe Mrs. Rose Zelinger.

both of N. Y. Abe and Sam Morrison. both of falo. Funeral services will be held the Mesnekoff Funeral Home.

179 Richmond Wednesday, Aug. 22, at P. M. Flowers gratefully declined. Friends Invited.

21122 MURPHY -Delia Murphy, suddenly, 18. 1951. sister of Mrs. Anna Horan Daniel Murphy of Ireland and the Mrs. Marie Murphy Funeral from Thomas V.

Ray Funeral Home. Franklin Wednesday morning 8:30 and at St Michael's Church at o'clock Friends are invited to attend. NEVINGER-Florence H. Nevinger, 74. of Wiscoy, at Mt.

Morris, Aug. 1931. widow of Walter mother Vern of Warsaw. Leo and Kenneth. both of Batavia.

Leslie of Wiscoy Mrs. Wayne Copeland of Mansiield. also 14 grandchildren and 4 greatsurviving. Services the Weeks Funeral Home, Warsaw, Wednesday at 2:30 P. M.

20121 John Nolan. Aug. 1931. husband of Mary K. Rusinek: father of Emmett Daniel son Mary Curley Mrs.

and Fred the late Dunkel, Daniel Madeline, Nolan; brother of Vincent and Alvin Nolan. Funeral of from the family residence, 80 Payne Friday morning at 8:15 o'clock and at the Church of the Holy Family at 9 Friends are invited. 21.23 M. OSIKA Theresa M. Osika (nee SkotarAug.

21, 1951. wife of the late Stanley, Osika: mother of Mrs. Frank Mieszkalski. Henry Osika and Mrs. ward Antkowiak: daughter of Magdalene and the late Joseph Skotarezak: sister of Mrs.

Adam Ziellaski. Stanley, in Casimir. Mrs. Leo Szymanski and of seph Skotarezak. Funeral from the Stanley Beach Funeral Home.

Main St. cornor Cayuga Williamsville. Friday morning at 9 o'clock and at at S.S. Peter Paul's Church at 9:30. Friends are invited.

Flowers gratefully declined. 21:22 PALMER- -Fanny H. Palmer (nee Cole). in this city. Aug.

20. 1951. beloved wife of Joseph J. Palmer: mother Gwendolen Palmer Heeb and the late Irene H. Palmer: sister of Ida Cole.

Elizabeth Woodman of Angola, and late Hannah Nickerson and William Cole. Friends received at the family residence, 291 Lisbon until Thursday noon. Amaranth memorial serv. ices will be held at 2 P. followed by funeral services at 3 P.

M. from the Church of the Good Shepherd. 96 Jewett Pkwy. Friends invited. Mrs.

Palmer member of Angola Chapter No. 184, Past Royal Matron of Highland Court No. 132. 0. of Past Grand Representative of Scotland.

The Women's Guild of St. Paul's Church Bay. Angola and the past P.T.A. of Lake Angola. 21122 PENOTICH- Tom Penotich of 35 Simon in Lackawanna, N.

Aug. 1951. godfather of John Pavicich. neral from Leo L. Buchheit Funeral Home, 666 Ridge Wednesday mornof ing at Jesus 9:30 Church and at from 10 the o'clock.

Sacred Friends Heart invited. 20121 PIPER- John M. Piper. Aug. 21.

1951. of 16 Lamont PL. husband of Verna Kive Piper: father of John Mrs. Kasper L. Chermaz, Donald Kenneth N.

and the late Robert: brother of Harry. Oscar. Mrs. Walter Reed. Mrs.

Herbert Schmidt and Mrs. Viola Weaver. Friends may call the Thompson Funeral Chapel. 911 Tonawanda afternoon St. at 2 Funeral o'clock.

services Thursday Friends invited. Mr. Piper was member of Riverside Post 2430. VFW. 21122 PRIVATERA Anton 1951, (Curly) Privatera, suddenly, Aug.

20. in Portland, devoted husband of Marion (nee Barone); foster-father of Robert James; brother of George of Dunkirk. N. Carl of Lakewood, N. Joseph of But.

falo. Mrs. Anthony Fadale of Fredonia. N. Mrs.

Thomas Jessie Orlando Jamestown. and Charles of Cassadaga. of son of Sarah Privatera and of the late Orazio of Fredonia. N. brother-in-law of Dr.

Antonio L. Barone of Buffalo. Dr. Nathaniel L. Barone Jamestown.

N. George L. Barone of of Lakewood, Buffalo. N. Funeral end Mrs.

Lena Bonge will be held from 18 Plymouth Friday, Aug. 24. later. 1951. Time Friends of funeral invited.

to be announced. Burial in Pine Hill Cemetery. 21123 RATAJCZAK-Joseph of 309 Paderewski Drive. Aug. 19, 1951.

son of the late Valentine and Mary (nee brother of James, Mrs. Valentina Saler. no. Casimer and Edward. Funeral Wednesday morning.

from 49 Sweet and Transfiguration Church at 10 o'clock. Deceased was a member of the Adam Plewacki Post No. 799. Interment in St. Stanislaus Cemetery.

Friends invited. 20121 RATAJCZAK- Walter J. Ratajezak, Aug. beloved husband of the late Mrs. Mary (nee Siwiak); father of Stanley.

Helen Baczkowski, John and Mrs. Gertrude Miniszewski: brother of Andrew and Ladislaus of Paffalo and Mrs. Viola Konarski of Poland. Funeral Saturday morning. Aug.

25 at 11:30 o'clock from his late residence, 96 Loepere and at St. Adalbert Basilica at 12 noon. Friends are invited. Burial in St. Stanislaus Cemetery.

21124 REIF. Charles Reif, Aug. 19, 1951. Funeral Home. from the L.

Stanley Beach Funeral 5541 Main Williamsville, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial in Williamsville Cemetery. RUCH Francis E. Ruch, Aug. 19.

1951. father of Edward Mrs. Frank Rushman. and John brother of the late George W. Mrs.

Elizabeth Van Duke, and Miss Elia Ruch. Funeral from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Frank Rushman, 48 Hartman Wednesday morning at 9:30 and at St. John the Baptist Church at 9 o'clock.

Friends invited to attend. 20121 SCHMAIL Mars Schmail, Aug. 19, 1951. at Springville, N. wife of the late Fred J.

Schmail: mother of Mrs. Beulah Burkhardt of East Concord, N. Otis Schmail of Buffalo. Y. Friends may call.

at the Weismantel Bros. Funeral Home. 271 East Main where funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited. H.

Schultz. Aug. 19, of 1951. of Veronica 273 Mills beloved daughter Schultz; and the late Leonard sister of Dr. Cecil L.

Schultz Schultz Long of Kenmore, Y. N. and Peter A. Island. N.

from Y. Funeral the Okoniewski Brothers Funeral Chapel, 926 Sycamore, Wednesday at 10:30 A. M. A. and at Transfiguration at 12 M.

Friends invited. SHIRLEY- -Joseph 0. Shirley, Aug. 20. 1951, housband of Louise Schultz: father of Mrs.

of Ardie Charles Herz of New York City: son and Mabel Clark. Funeral from the family residence. 83 Tacoma, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Friends invited. Mr.

Sairley was a member of the Erie Club of the Buffalo Police Dept. 21124 Thousands of Buffalo families have told us they appreciate our friendliness careful arrangement of every detail! Thomas V. Ray FUNERAL HOME 465 FRANKLIN ST. GArfield 1074 M. T.

Rav. Lic. Mgr. also a member of Olive Branch Lodge A M. In 1891 Mr.

Ward married Miss Jessie Ray Phinny of New York, who died in 1908. In 1911 he married Miss Florence M. Chapman of Old Saybrook, who survives with sons, Harold Sidney Ward of York City and Alan Mayhew Ward of Buffalo, and three Mrs. daughters Roswell by his second marriage, Keith Doughty of Mamaroneck, Mrs. Gian N.

Orsini of Madison, and Mrs. Lewis A. West of Westbury, L. I. TREES ARE DAMAGED AS STRONG WINDS LASH CITY AREAS Gusts of wind estimated at between 50 and 60 miles an hour knocked down at least one tree and a number of large branches this afternoon in several sections of the city.

sion Parks Department Forestry Divicrews responded call at 493 Cambridge where a large poplar tree was blown down on the property of Mrs. Mae Lahrs. Led by City Forester Arthur Kramer, raced through the city answerling the trouble calls. second downed tree was reported in the vicinity of Geary and Seneca Sts. and a tree trunk at Cumberland and Meriden St.

was badly cracked and in danger of falling at 2:30 this afternoon. The switchboard attendant at the Northampton St. Forestry Division station reported the crews were answering calls as speedily as possible. "There have been about 15 calls telling of large limbs being blown three cars were reported damaged," he said. Meanwhile, Coast Guard authorities announced that there was no apparent harbor damage.

The Weather Bureau, however, reported winds averaged 30 miles per hour from the Southwest at 11:30 o'clock this morning. At 2:30, they had increased to 40 miles per hour and gusts were as high as 60 mph. Last year's high for August was 38 miles per hour. A year ago today, the wind averaged between 19 and 20. Business Record BUILDING PERMITS Alvin W.

Tills 175 Weston, $500. Herman Rebmann, 66 Briggs, $905. P. B. Samuel Paladino, 70 Fields, $8000.

Notaro, 417 Linwood, $2000. A. Anthony C. Slawiak, 182, 185, 186, 189, 192, Gertrude Smith, 225 Fenton, Fox, $300. $7500 ea.

196, 197, 203 Charles Sciascia, 226 Herkimer, $500. City Peter of Buffalo, 42-44-46 Emslie, $200. Nowicki, 80 Ladner, $50. P. Potomac, $400.1 V.

Koppowiski, 440 Sweet, $400. A. R. Schubert, 21 Cambria, $500. Charty Hotel, 136 Exchange, $1000.

BUILDING PLANS FILED John Fijol, 108 Culver, $9500. Charles Scialfo, 616 Niagara, $2400. Republic Steel, 1175 S. Park, office, $15,000. BUSINESS NAMES Walter Wilkosz's Restaurant, 505 Penora, Depew -Walter and Doris Wilkosz.

R. W. A. Construction 62 Robert T. Baehre, Andrew J.

Rubocki, RejtanWalter F. Ochocinskl Otte Sales Company, 1528 Marine Trust Bldg. -L. D. J.

D. Tesch. Kulbac's Roofing Siding Company, 526 Gould. Depew-Stanley J. Kulbacki.

F. A. Nut Shop, 318 ConnecticutDeSalvo. Edward J. Plunkett.

4174 Union Cheektowaga- Edward J. and John R. Plunkett Jr. and Anne E. Maloney, Eden Electric Service, Kulp EdenZeddock P.

Mott. Dow's Grocery Store, 107 Peckham Effie B. Dow. Chet's Restaurant, 141 Elliott, LancasterChester Kwitowski. Center Hill Drive In, Center East Aurora- James W.

and Myrtle T. Cran. Carroll Display Service, 282 Rawlinson R. Carroll. Abbarno's Grill, 303 Busti- Abbarno.

Buffalo Preserve 43 Empire -Teddy Fabian. Three Arrested in Vice Raid Put on Probation for Year Three women taken in a raid July 24 by the Police Vice Squad were placed on probation for one year by City Judge Arthur J. Cosgrove today. He suspended sixmonth jail terms for Hattie Spies, 67; Mary Lawrence, 29, and Peggy O'Brien, 30, all of whom gave a Whitney Pl. address.

The Spies woman pleaded guilty to maintaining a disorderly house and possession of indecent pictures, while the other two admitted loitering and offering to commit immoral acts. Bits of News ACCIDENTS Dunbar Smith, 2. of 242 Spring, struck in Clinton near Union. 5:55 P. M.

Monday; sions: fractured left leg, multiple as Bernard Emergency M. Craden, Hospital. Motorist listed wood. 45, of 326 CrestEdward C. Nelson.

3, of 203 Purdy, struck in Purdy near E. Ferry, 6:15 P. M. Monday: probable fractured left leg. shock: Emergency Hospital.

Police said of 21 Lyth. the motorist was Semial L. Siggers, 28. Two persons were injured when auto struck telephone pole in Arthur. near Niagara 12:05 A.

M. today. multiple, William Jacksoa. 46. 141 Hoyt.

fractures driver, bruises. probable of and Columbus Hospital. Mrs. Edna Apotosh. 45.

232 Hoyt, his passenger. probable nose fracture and bruises Ellen on both 15. legs: Columbus Hospital. 0 Brien. of 1935 Elliott.

bicyele skidded and struck side of auto at Main Coe at 8:30 A.M. today: injured ankle: Sisters Hospital. Driver of auto was Roland G. Hepworth, 26, of 152 Hedlev. R.

Edward Thomas, 39. 209 Locust, autoNFT bus collision in Michigan Carlton. 8:20 A. M. today.

Multiple bruises treated at Buffalo General Hospital. Passen27. 190 auto Wakefield, operated who by told Edward police Pilat. bus ger in A. tor of bus rear was of to his report standing to police auto.

later. Operastruck Eugene C. Eusanio, 23. 294 S. Division.

auto struck parked truck in Broadway near Sherman, 8:30 A. M. today. Shock and chest injuries, taken to Emergency Hospital. FIRE RECORD Alarms since 3 P.

M. Monday: 4:23 M. -Rescue Squad 5 to 253 W. Ferry: Mrs. Helen Schopp, 75, ill; treated.

remained at home. 4:38 M. E. Ferry Grider, railroad ties, no damage. 4:41 P.

303 Crescent, grease on stove, no damage. P. M. -Weiss near Dingens, grass. 6:27 P.

M. -232 Jefferson, Promised Land Baptist Church and apartments. nited by sulphur candle. $7500 loss. Fireman Ernest Herwood of Engine 32 overcome by smoke, revived, remained on duty.

7:55 P. 455 Dodge, painter's torch ignited dwelling. $25 damage. 8:59 P. M.

Niagara false. 9:17 P. M. -Niagara Maryland, false. 10:15 P.

191 Roslyn. broken water pipe, no fire. TODAY 1:21 A. W. Tupper: rubbish.

3:03 -Main Genesee: awning, slight damage. 5:54 A. M. Rescue Squad 2 to 93 Roberts: Mrs. Helen Lewinski.

65: ill, reported dead arrival of firemen. 6:11 A. Main Minnesota: unnecessary. 7:22 A. -Bailey LaSalle: auto.

slight damage 9:05 A. -Rescue Squad to 183 Koons: Joseph Wazinski, 65; ill. reported all right on arrival of firemen. 9:10 Colvin; Taunton: unnecessary. 9:35 A.

M. -Colvin and auto. out on arrival of firemen. no damage. 12:29 P.

469 Broadway, rubbish, MISSING PERSONS Casimer Mielcarek, 37. of 235 Rother since Aug. 15; 5 feet. 9 inches tall: 150 pounds: brown eyes; brown hair; wore a cap, gray-maroon jacket. green sweater.

gray trousers, brown shoes. Mrs. Victoria Campanella. 27, of 166 Georgia since Aug. 18: 5 feet.

3 inches tall: 110 pounds: wore a gray-blue suit. RECOVERED AUTOS 1941 Ford sedan. EC 90-56. owned by Sylvester J. Jarzyniecki.

107 W. Ferry; found on Garner near Parkdale Aug. 20; stolen from West W. Ferry before 6 P. M.

Aug. 19. 1942 Dodge sedan, LP 77-20, owned by William Tucker, 323 Morgan. Tonawanda: located in Washington near Carlton Aug. 19; taken from Elliott near Broadway before 10:30 P.

M. Aug. 1950 Chevrolet sedan. 6B 71-28. owned by Ralph Sigl.

409 Richmond: recovered in Countess near Hemingway Aug. 20; stolen from Lexington Richmond before 11:45 A. M. Aug. 19.

Rail--Marine Transportation Motor-Air Converted Ship Begins Trip An ocean-going ship that has been converted into a Great Lakes ore-carrier is starting its long trip from Baltimore to the lakes this week. The vessel is the Tom M. Girdler. It will be towed from Baltimore to New Orleans by a sea-going tug. The American Barge Line will tow the freighter up the Mississippi to Lockport, where the Great Lakes Towing Company will take over.

moving the vessel through the Illinois River to the Chicago yards of the American Shipbuilding Company. Because of low bridge clearances on the inland water route to the lakes, installation of the ship's stack and forward, and aft deckhouses has delayed until the freighter reaches Chicago. Icebreaker Sought for Buffalo Waterfront Associates an organization of marine and industrial interests in Buffalo, is urging Western New York congressmen to petition the Government to station an icebreaker in Buffalo. The organization says the icebreaker is needed to break a path for the early spring departure of freighters that moor here during the Winter. NYC Conductor to Retire morning.

House Passes Grain-Ship Bill T. Beach, a veteran New York Central conductor in Buffalo. will retire Thursday after half-century of railroad service. will make last run on the Central's high maker, speed freight here train, the Paceleaving tomorrow and returning from Syracuse Thursday BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON, Aug.

21 The House Monday passed and sent. to the Senate legisiation that would permit Canadian vessels to transport grain between American ports on the Great Lakes during the current shipping season. The House sponsor Representative John C. Butler of Buffalo, is hopeful that the measure will be passed by the Senate in time to relieve the shipping shortage during the current season. Lakes Ore Tonnage Up From '50 ARRIVED 11:30 am; pus, autos, stone, CLEARED 8:45 am; Adams, light, 12:30 pm; J.

Donner, Laholm. H. W. Hosford, SAULT Townsend G. Crawford Peter White Galloway C.

A. Paul Fraser. Upson Stackhouse Campbell Lehich Royalton Lachine Krupp Shenango Purnell Upson. Manna Ledue T. Hutch'n H.

Ford 2d Ferris W. C. R'son S. American Trimble Browning W. Hill Caulking C.

S. Rob'n T. Weir Wolvin Redwater Mills Elwood G. Island Gleneagles Snyder Jr. Adriatic Finland Cambria Roen 5th Maitland Emory Ford Watson P.

B. Cowle. Verona Alg6soo Pollock Dunlop Morgan Presque Isle W. D. C'ford Red Crown Mackinaw Younestown S.

MisenerConway el Ewig el Burlington B. Taylor D. Edison ar. Steel King LaBelte Algocen Askot Young Algoway Cowan el Hubbard CLEVELAND, Aug. 21 A.

Stone Great Lakes iron ore vessels hauled Sloan Ashcroft 3,048.697 tons last week raise R. Ill-Res. ar the season's cargoes to 54,073,126 W. A. Reiss.

tons gross tons ahead Leslie of the 1950 week to Aug. 20. Alpena ct Diam. Alkali Consumption at furnaces also R. 111-Res.

cl In July 7,555,898 tons of B. Comet Michigan. was up. ore were burned against 7,499,475 J. Maida el.

in July 195C. The totals for the Moody el Vigor ar first seven months amounted to T. Florida 51.185,226 tons against 47,425,250 S. Panoil P. el Cement tons in the corresponding period B.

F. of last year. Hatfield Morgan Stocks at furnaces and Lake Erie Myers docks on Aug. 1 totaled 33,141,828 Edenborn tons, compared with 24,107,874 H. Hindman.

tons on Aug. 1 a year ago, the Lake Marquette Superior Iron Ore Association re- Frantz Nettleton ported. Tate el PORT OF BUFFALO Pickands Lindabury ARRIVED TODAY ore. 3:05 S. Mather -Helen Hindman, pulp, light, 4:35 CLEARED am.

TODAY Kling Gallagher ar Birchton, 7:40. Fair'n-Maia Alpena Ericsson Auto Hits Truck; Driver Hurt A 23-year-old chestmotorist suffered shock and about 8:40 o'clock this morning when his auto struck parked truck in Broadway near Sherman St. Eugene C. Eusanio of 294 S. Division St.

was taken to Emergency Hospital. Police said Mr. Eusanio's condition, listed did not mit an interview. which might perhelp determine cause of the accident. Births Pl.

celebrated, today in the McDonald Funeral Home, 76 High with graveside services in Elmlawn Cemetery at 3:30 o'clock. Dr. Charles D. Broughton, rector emeritus of the Church of the Ascension, officiated. Mrs.

Hill died Sunday (Aug. 19, 1951) in the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Edward J. Creed where she had lived in recent years. Until fell about six weeks ago, Mrs.

Hill had been active. She was admitted the time to Buffalo General Hospital, but returned home a month ago. native of Buffalo, Mrs. Hill was born in a house on Elm St. near Broadway and she could remember when the city line was at Main and High Sts.

Her father, John Newman, was a cobbler who made shoes for sailors. Survivors besides Mrs. Creed are a son Albert, of Cumberland. Md. and a daughter, Mrs.

William Bradley of Snyder. Mrs. Hill's husband, Richard, died 41 years ago. Joseph O. Shirley, Policeman, Corning Native GEORGE C.

DIESTEL Patrolman Joseph O. Shirley, of 83 Tacoma a Buffalo police- 48, man for 20 years, died Monday afternoon (Aug. 20, 1951) in Sisa ters Hospital following his second heart attack within the last week. As a tribute to his long service on the police force, all flags in front of the city's precincts will be flown at half staff until Saturday, the day of the funeral. His fellow officers at the Austin Station will donate flowers for the funeral.

Born in Corning. Patrolman Shirley resided in Buffalo since 1914. He was iron worker before his appointment to the Police Department 1931. He leit the department May 31, 1947, because of ill health and was reinstated May 27, 1948. During World War II he served with the Navy's Seabees from Dec.

15, 1942 to Aug. 6, 1945. He was stationed on the New Herbrides a Islands in the Southwest Pacific. Patrolman Shirley had been attached to the Austin Precinct. He acted as a school-crossing at Military Rd.

and Hinman Ave. He had also served the Franklin, Fillmore and Colvin Stations and the Motorcycle Squad. He was a ber of the Erie Club, the organization. Surviving are his wife, the former Louise Schultz; a daughter, Mrs Ardie Herz of New York City: his father, Charles Shirley of Cerning, and a grandson. Mrs.

Joseph J. Palmer; Operated Angola Store Fanny Cole Palmer, 67, died Monday, (Aug. Lisbon 20. 1951) after in a five- her month illness. She operated Palmer's General Store and Garage in Lake Bay, Angola, for 28 years with her husband.

Joseph J. Palmer, before they retired four years ago. She was born Oct. 19, 1883. in London.

and was married to Mr. Palmer in 1904. They came to Buffalo in 1911. Active in fraternal circles, Mrs. Palmer was a member of Angola Chapter 184, OES; past royal matron of Highland Court 132, Order of the Amaranth.

and was past grand representative to Court of Scotland from the Grand Court of New York. In 1950, she and Palmer accompanied their daughter, Mrs. Gwendolyn P. Heeb, England when Mrs. Heeb supreme royal matron of the Order of the Amaranth.

Mrs. Palmer represented the grand royal matron of New York. Mrs. Palmer was a member of the Women's Guild of St. Paul's Church of Angola and the ParentTeacher Association of Lake Bay.

In addition to her husband and daughter. Mrs. Palmer is survived by two sisters. Miss Ada Cole Buffalo and Mrs. Elizabeth Wood.

man of Angola. The Rev. Jay J. Post. rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, will officiate at funeral services Thursday at 3 o'clock after Amaranth memorial services at 2 o'clock in the church.

Burial will be in Elmlawn Cemetery, Town of Tonawanda. Harold Butler Ward, 84; Le Roy Banker and Ex- Mayor Special to The BUFFALO EVENING NEWS. LE ROY. Aug. Butler Ward, 84.

president of the Village Water Light Commission, former mayor, and for years identified with Le Roy banking interests, died in his heme, 45. West Main Monday evening. In failing health for many years, be. had been seriously ill during recent months. Mr.

Ward was born in Brooklyn on Jan. 4, 1867. the son of Butler Ward of Perry and Jane McPherson Ward of Ft. Hill. He came to Le Roy with his parents in 1872.

He was a student in the Le Roy Academic Institute until 1884 when he went to Dakota Territory, now South Dakota, to attend Yankton College, which was founded by his uncle. Joseph Ward. In 1887 he returned to Le Roy, joining his father in the banking business. Upon the death of his father in 1909 he became president cf the Le tinued Roy National Bank. He institution conas head of that until 1931.

A member of the First Presbyterian Church, he had been one of its trustees for 50 years. He was BOYS Were Born to Mr. Aug. William E. White.

210 Hudson John Watson. Mortimer Ventola. 30 Virginia Francis W. Sheehan. 14 17th Edward Specker.

Cheektowaga James Melvin L. Schmitt, 173 Richmond William Marshall, East Cheektowaga Aurora A. Martin, Ned Floyd C. Marandino, East Aurora Maltbie, 103 Reiman James Charles E. Keppler, Akron Robert A.

J. Kelley Lancaster C. Jones, Orchard Park George Thomas Hughes, 90 Kehr Robert Heitz, Hennigan, Cheektowaga East Utica Stephen G. Gantress, Page Frank Francis A. Falletta, Drabik, 359 Prospect West Seneca Melvin Thomas M.

Dolphin. 135 High B. Davis, 626 Taunton Edward William P. B. Collins, Bulatek, 359 Langfield 107 Sweet Edward Brooks, West Seneca A Robert Norman S.

Beall, Amherst W. Bartz, 27 Viola Park 64 GIRLS Were Born to Mr. Arthur S. H. Weist.

Cheektowaga S. Joseph W. Madonia, Kirsch, 311 Commonwealth East Lee Frank Joseph, 25 Lester Donald Holbert, 418 High Leslie P. J. Gregory, 483 Ferest Vito R.

Dorio, 191 Hinman Gallagher, Amherst Charles Vincent J. W. Capraro. Bradfield, 225 Pennsylvnaia Joseph Anthony Bobowiez. Boron.

80 North Ogden Cheektowaga 38 Wick Everett Rudolph Alloy, 52 Ripley John V. J. Trisanti, Weibert, 105 Mulberry Harry 140 West Delavan Earl H. Roberts, Kenmore Otto B. Princeton A Pedley, 80 Edgar W.

Misso, 115 Schiller Meeks, 498 William TWIN BOYS Were Born to Mr. Leonard L. Eckstein, 155 Philadelphia Marriages (Filed up to 3 P. Aug. 21) Alfred H.

Bewandowski. 235 S. Ogden. and Dolores Palezak, 124 Zittell. Paul V.

Maryfrances Offermann, Grand Island, and Bough, 30 Horton. Henry Niemezycki, 73 Page, and Richard Theresa A. Gonka, 63 Military. G. Riebling, 50 Chatham.

Mary L. Hurley. Snyder. and John R. Maher, 63 Lisbon.

and Lydia A. Luisi, 108 Lisbon. Henry C. Nowak. 22 Lombard.

and Alice A. R. Read. Borucki. 11 Milburn.

Jay 62 Elmwood, and Jeanette G. Griffin, 412 Bronislaus Napierski, Milburn, and Anthony Charlotte Vicaretta. Szczepanski, 96 324 Lockwoc3 Leopere. and Charles Josephine Siracuse. 347 Ludington.

Carol M. Hegeman. 126 Zenner. Weisbecker, 221 Sprenger, and Edward Krieger, 78 Vernon, and Carlo C. Rotolo.

556 West, and Patricia Gibnet, 98 Rodney. Rose Bagnato, 309 Vermon.t Frank Rago Jr. 328 N. Division, and Caroline Perline. 360 Swan.

George Mergenhagen. 158 Benzinger, and Florence Heck. West Seneca. William H. Greene, 166 Northland.

and Rosetta M. Freeman, 173 Northland. William P. Allen, Eggertsville, and Dorothy L. Fourby, 835 Richmond.

Raymond Swierezynski, 114 Walden, and Alma Jackett. 273 Moselle. James D. Parker, 369 Landon. and Alice Richter.

367 May. John Vecchio. 123 Vermont, and Isabella Radoani, 793 West. Marvin B. Emmons.

Bloomfield. N. and Betty M. Job, 235 Bryant. Ward Croome, 43 Potomac, and Donna Macluski, 148 Grant.

Howard Heyer, Faribault, and Lois Ayer, 140 Rounds. Harry M. Louden: 173 Richmond, and Margaret Gregory, 185. Summer, Edward V. Steen.

60 Hillery, and Teresa M. Kimberle, 57 Unger. Edward P. Bernhard 87 Freund, and Stella A. Hojnacki, Derby.

Joseph Jarezyk. 24 Klaus. and Florence Cirbus. West Seneca. James A.

Bunn. Cheektowaga, and Evan Rose M. A. Giangreco. 757 Amherst.

Hoffmire, 17 Wadsworth, and Victoria Selvaggio, 43 Days Park. Richard Stroh. Lindenhurst, and Patricia Atkinson. Snyder. William O'Hara.

226 Ashland, and Jane Salisbury, 900 Elmwood. Robert Holt. Carlsbad. N. and Geraldine C.

Kolb. Eggertsville. Chester Latawski, Sloan. and Dolores Dunaj. 123 Gibson.

George Louisos. 1239 Niagara, and Gloria Scaccia, 789 Prospect. John Kwiatek. 304 Koons, and Theresa R. Kowalezyk.

119 Detroit. Clyde G. Simpson. 225 Cherry, and Gertrude McKenna, 701 Grant. MONDAY- G.

R. Fink. ore, Adrian Iselin, light, pm; Coalhaven, light, Hindman. stone, Carrollton, John Sherwin, ore, 10:15. MONDAY Felloweraft, steel, Robert Robson, light.

10; Cuyler T. J. McCarthy, light, C. Munson, light, 2:30: W. H.

light, 4:30: Canopus, licht. 6:15: Perseus, light, light. 11:05. STE. MARIE PASSAGES UP MONDAY 9:00 am Morrow 4:30 pm 9:00 Selvania 4:30 pm 10:00 am Kerr 4:30 pm 11:00 am Fads 5:00 pm .11:00 am Glenborie 5:00 pm 11:30 am Yosemite 8:30 pm 11:30 am C.

Victory 9:00 pm .11:30 am Roen Brth 9:00 pm noon Hilda 9:00 pm noon Yank Canuck 9:00 pm noon H. D. W'ms 9:00 pm 1:00 pm Harvester 9:30 pm 1:00 pm McNaughton. pm 1:30 pm Pontiac 10:30 pm 2:00 pm Affleck 10:34 2:30 pm Michican ..11:00 pm 2:30 pm Sandland mienicht 3:00 pm Pop. Branch midnight 4:00 pm UP TUESDAY .12:80 am Noulby 3:00 am Altadoc 4:00 am 12:30 am Kenordoe 4:00 am 1:00 am Cadillac 4:00 am 1:30 am Gillies 4:30 am 1:30 am Sonora 5:00 am 1:30 am Lavaldoc 6:30 am 2:00 am Paine 6:30 am 2:00 am DOWN MONDAY 7:00 am Irvin 4:30 pm 7:00 am Champlain 4:30 pm 8:00 Conneaut 5:00 pm 8:30 am J.

L. Reiss 5:00 pm 10:00 am Gov. Miller. 5:30 pm 11:30 am McGonable 5:30 pm 11:30 am E. Block 6:00 pm .11:30 am Pioneer 7:00 pm noon Bethlehem 8:00 pm 12:30 pm M.

C. Taylor 9:00 pm 12:30 pm Hoyt 9:00 pm 1:00 pm Fav 9:30 pm 1:00 pm Olds 10:30 pm 2:30 pm Colonel 10:30 pm 2:30 pm Phipps .10:30 pm 2:30 pm Marviand 11:00 pm 3:30 pm Nipiwanpark 11:30 pm 3:30 pm Norway midnicht 4:30 pm Buckeye midnight DOWN TUESDAY .12:30 am Avery 2:30 am 1:00 am Stifel 2:30 am 1:00 am Zatt 3:00 am 1:30 am Shasta 4:30 am 2:00 am Walsh 5:30 am 2:00 am Hemlock 6:30 am 2:00 am Denmark 7:00 am DETROIT PASSAGES UP MONDAY 8:20 C. Toronto 5:20 8:35 E. Del 13 ar 5:20 pm 11:25 am Algorail 5:25 .11:55 am Battleford 5:30 pm 12:10 pm Wolverine 6:40 pm 12:30 pm Makaweli 7:15 pm 12:35 pm Tate ar 7:40 pm 12:40 pm Lebanon 8:15 pm 12:50 pm W. Bicen 8:30 pro 1:25 J.

J. Sull'an 8:50 pm 1:30 pm E. P. Smith 9:10 pm 1:45 pin Laconda 10:20 pm 1:50 pm Hebard .11:00 pm 2:25 pm Osier ar .11:00 pm 4:55 Oleott 11:15 pm 5:00 pm T. Mich.

el. 11:25 pm 5:05 pra Moody ar 11:50 pm UP TUESDAY 12:10 am Kopmeier 2:05 am 12:20 am W. B. 3:30 am 12:25 am ar. 4:40 am 12:35 am Wilson 5:50 am 12:40 am Hobson 6:00 am 12:50 am Cornell 6:00 am 1:30 am H.

7:15 am 2:00 am Paisley 7:35 am DOWN MONDAY 8:10 am D. Edison el 4:40 pm 8:30 am Hagarty 4:40 pm 8:55 am B. Irwin 5:35 pm 9:45 am Joliet 7:05 pm 9:50 am Wet 7:10 pm 10:20 Penobscot 7:10 pm 10:35 am Ishpeming 8:15 pm 10:50 am Canadoc 8:25 pm 12:25 pm T. W. R'son.

8:45 pm 12:55 pm Front'ac ar .10:00 pm 1:10 pm D. Const. el .10:05 pm 1:45 pm Mataafa cl 10:40 pm 1:50 pm Sumatra el .10:55 p.m 1:50 pm Arcturus 11:30 pm 1:55 pm Mead el 11:45 pm 3:50 pm DOWN TUESDAY 12:15 am Ingalls ci 4:00 am 2:25 am Collins 4:50 am am E. Deliv. 13 cl 4:50 am am Holloway 6:05 am 1:00 am Fitzgerald 6:10 am 1:00 am 6:35 am 1:40 am Moody el 6:45 am 2:00 am Farr 6:45 2:15 am Algosteel 6:45 am 2:30 am Lethbridge ar 6:45 am 2:50 am Steinbrenner 7:00 am 3:45 am Murphy 7:05 am Judgments CITY COURT (First name is that of debtor.) James Mardrey Pennick, $41.70 to Mon ris Brooks (Keystone Specialties).

K. G. Macmillan, $497.64 to Lewis H. Rus lander (as trustee) Marian Barbeco, $171.05 to Herald Plastics. Recele Bryant, $123.42 to Leroy Stokes.

Guida A. Micheal. $212.55 to George Panosian. Francis Hoffman. $249.01 to Loretta Sper2720 Sam Guarino.

Imperial Electric, $828.60 to United Metal Spinning. Margaret Burt, $554.46 to Edna E. Kissinger. Sylvester Pleczynski, Jesse Williams, $99.66 to J. Burnham Inc.

David Douglas, $43.09 to Ernest Chappel. Robert W. Stanley, $38.59 to Jacobi Bros. Carmen Amerosa, $88.51 to Joseph Martine. Charles W.

Funk, $13.84 to Richard L. Rausch. Edwin F. Sniatecki, $69.63 to Cresbury Clothes. Cecil Stokes, $59.34 to Lawrence Fox.

Albert Kirker, $133.29 to Julian J. Blizniak. Mary A. Merner, $33.72 Lafayette General Hosp. Thomas J.

Scott. $36.83 to Seton's Clothes. John Granville, $45.25 to Belle S. Sieman. Arlene Sherry, $54.18 to I.

Rotschild Inc. Evelyn A. Knapp, $18.24 to Jacob H. Rich (Rich's Dairy). Josephine Piccolo, $97.88 to Theodore B.

Okoniewski. Roscoe Rails, $30.11 to Ernest Chappell. Henry Robert Leydecker, Stewart. $20.72 to Hutts Dairy, S. $69.40 to Sidney Gerstman.

William Siegel, $137.90 to Belle S. Sigman. Charles Puglia, $830.85 to Harbro Plumbing Supply. Mrs. William Ingram, $54.10 to Gladys M.

Larkin. James Reed. $208.40 to Sidney J. Freedman. Edward Faltisco.

$21.37 to Morris Brooks (Keystone Specialties). SUPREME COURT (First name is that of debtor.) George Ruth Fritz ($375.40 to Richard I. Kiener Philip M. Nelson (Kiener Nelson) Edward Culver (Culver Electric Service), $17.30 to Edward P. McOwen (Rosewood Signs).

Phillip A. Sylvia C. Jackson, $337.37 to Personal Finance Co. Franklin M. Kreeger, $184.39 to Frank M.

Aaron Gellman (G. G. Home Outfitters Mrs. Anna Ester, Miss Claire Devereaux, Mrs. Marjorie Bye, Waiva Chambers, $91.12 to United Utilities and Specialty Corp.

Ross Skaggs. $378.75 to Henriy J. Schaefer, M. Kubinee, $854.25 to E. Lowther.

Noreen Finnegan (now known as Noreen Kasper), $97.35 to Hanford W. Bilsky. Frederick A. Gould, $107.50 to Michael M. Moran.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.